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8. "Логика может привести Вас от пункта А к пункту Б, а воображение — куда угодно." Альберт Эйнштейн

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200 тысяч вариантов жилья

СпецТек провел курс по управлению надежностью для специалистов СИБУРа

Санкт-Петербург, 01 марта 2018 г. Пресс-релиз





















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СпецТек провел курс по управлению надежностью для специалистов СИБУРа

Более 40 руководителей и специалистов предприятий группы «СИБУР» прошли подготовку на курсах НПП СпецТек «Управление надежностью оборудования», и получили сертификаты International Personnel Certification от «Русского Регистра».

Курсы проведены в офисе НПП СпецТек, для четырех групп слушателей, от 10 до 12 человек в группе. Аудиторию курсов составили специалисты, занятые в процессах управления надежностью – руководители направлений, отделов и служб управления надежностью, главные эксперты по видам оборудования, инженеры по надежности.

Слушателей на курсы направили большинство предприятий топливно-сырьевого и нефтехимического сегментов СИБУРа, а также центры компетенций «Механика», «Энергетика» и «Метрология» управленческого блока «Эффективность производства».

Программа курсов включила в себя широкий круг вопросов по таким направлениям, как математические методы в теории надежности, анализ критичности оборудования, надежностно-ориентированное техническое обслуживание (НОТО, RCM), управление запасами при подготовке и выполнении ТОиР, показатели эффективности и результативности, сбор данных о надежности и техническом обслуживании, выстраивание системы обслуживания оборудования, применение информационных систем в области управления ТОиР и управления надежностью оборудования.

В таком объеме программа курсов одобрена Ассоциацией по сертификации «Русский Регистр», и гармонизирована с требованиями к сертификации на квалификацию «Менеджер по надежности оборудования». Сертификация – это общепризнанная в мире услуга, которая позволяет персоналу получить официальное, беспристрастное и независимое признание его профессиональной компетентности, а организациям – подтвердить квалификацию сотрудников, повысить свою конкурентоспособность.

Сертификация слушателей стала завершением подготовки на курсах. Экзамен, проведенный «Русским Регистром», имел целью проверку знаний и навыков слушателей, и их соответствие требованиям программы сертификации. Слушатели с успехом выдержали это испытание, по итогам экзамена им выданы сертификаты менеджеров по надежности оборудования Международной ассоциации по сертификации персонала (International Personnel Certification, IPC).


СИБУР ( – крупнейшая в России интегрированная газоперерабатывающая и нефтехимическая компания. СИБУР выпускает продукты на 23 производственных площадках, клиентский портфель Компании включает более 1 400 крупных потребителей в топливно-энергетическом комплексе, автомобилестроении, строительстве, потребительском секторе, химической и других отраслях в 70 странах мира, общая численность сотрудников Группы превышает 27 тыс. человек.

НПП «СпецТек» ( – профессиональный консультант и ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения в области управления физическими активами, базовая организация Технического комитета по стандартизации «Управление активами».

Ассоциация по сертификации «Русский Регистр» ( – крупнейший и наиболее признанный в России и за рубежом российский независимый орган по сертификации систем менеджмента, продукции и персонала.


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    1.1. Population of Russia
    Dynamics of population
    The largest cities
    Social standards of living
    Economic activity
    1.2. Economic situation
    Dynamics of economic development
    Stability of the state budget
    1.3. Position of Russia in the world
    Share of RF in the population of the world
    2.1. Characteristics of products
    2.2. Classification
    Classification by All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity, Products and Services
    Classification by Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities
    Classification by the method raw materials processed
    3.1. Volumes of the market of juice products by countries worldwide
    3.2. Juices consumption by countries worldwide
    3.3. Preferences by juices tastes
    3.4. Market of orange juice
    3.5. World market of apple juice
    4.1.Dynamics of market volume
    4.2. Import share on the market
    4.3. Consumption of fruit juices and nectars in Russia
    5.1. By types of products
    5.2. By raw materials type
    5.3. By price categories

    6.1. Structure of retail sales by types of drinks
    6.2. Dynamics of retail sales by years
    6.3. Dynamics of retail sales by quarters
    6.4. Structure of retail sales by federal districts
    6.5. The largest regions of RF by retail sales
    7.1. Dynamics of wholesales by years
    7.2. Dynamics of wholesales by quarters
    7.3. Structure of wholesales by federal districts
    7.4. The largest regions of RF by wholesales
    11.1. Structure of the market by the largest players
    11.2. The PepsiCo Company
    «Lebedyansky», OJSC
    «Wimm-Bill-Dann», OJSC
    11.3.The Coca-Cola Company
    «Multon», CJSC
    «Nidan Juices», OJSC
    11.4.Sady Pridonia
    11.5. Structure of the market by brands
    13.1. Dynamics of gross yield of fruit and berries and grape
    13.2. Structure of gross yield by types of fruit and berries
    13.3. Dynamics of gross yield of vegetables
    13.4. Structure of gross yield by types of vegetables
    14.1. Fruit and vegetable juices
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Structure of production by groups
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.2.Fruit juices
    Structure of production by types
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.3. Non-concentrated fruit juices mixtures
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.4. Concentrated fruit juices mixtures
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.5. Non-concentrated vegetable juices mixtures
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.6. Apple juice
    Share of concentrated juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.7. Tomato juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.8.Tropical juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.9.Orange juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.10. Grapefruit juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.11. Cherry and sweet cherry juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.12. Grape juice
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    14.13 Fruit and vegetable juices and their mixtures
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    15.1. Fruit nectars and juice drinks
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    15.2. Vegetable and fruit and vegetable nectars (vegetable drinks)
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    15.3. Baby food juices
    Dynamics of production volumes by years
    Dynamics of production volumes by months
    Production volumes by federal districts of RF
    Structure of production by federal districts of RF
    Production volumes in regions of RF
    16.1. Fruit and vegetable juices
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.2. Fruit nectars
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.3. Baby fruit juices
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.4. Concentrated fruit juices
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.5. Directly squeezed juices
    Mono-fruit juices
    Multi-fruit juices
    16.6. Reconstituted juices
    Mono-fruit juices
    Multi-fruit juices
    16.7. The largest Russian producers of vegetable juices
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.8. The largest Russian producers of vegetable nectars (drinks)
    By production volume
    By proceeds volume
    16.9. The largest Russian producers of tomato juice
    16.10. Proceeds and profitablity of enterprises by type of activity
    17.1. Fruit and vegetable juices (in total)
    Structure of Russian import of fruit juices, non-concentrated, low concentrated by types
    17.2. Orange juice
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import of ready juice by years
    Dynamics of import volume of ready juice by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.3. Grapefruit juice
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.4. Other citrus fruit juices
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.5. Pineapple juice
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.6. Grape juice
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    Structure of import by types
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.8. Tomato juice
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.9. Juices mixtures
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    17.10. Other vegetables and fruits juices
    Dynamics of import by years
    Dynamics of import volume by months
    Import volume by supplying countries
    Structure of import by supplying countries
    18.1. Fruit and vegetable juices (in total)
    Structure of Russian export of fruit juices, non-concentrated, low concentrated by types
    18.2. Orange juice
    Structure of export by types
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.3. Grapefruit juice
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.4. Other citrus fruit juices
    Dynamics of export by years
    Export volume by countries of destination
    18.5. Pineapple juice
    Structure of export by types
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.6. Grape juce
    Structure of export by types
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.7. Apple juice
    Structure of export by types
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.8. Tomato juice
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.9. Juices mixtures
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    18.10. Other vegetables and fruits juices
    Dynamics of export by years
    Dynamics of export volume by months
    Export volume by countries of destination
    Structure of export by countries of destination
    Dynamics of average producers prices by years
    Dynamics of average producers prices by months
    19.2. Fruit and vegetable juices
    Dynamics of average producers prices by years
    Dynamics of average producers prices by months
    20.1. Dynamics of average retail prices for baby juices by years
    20.2. Dynamics of average retail prices for baby juices by months
    21.1. «WBD DRINKS», OJSC
    Reference information
    Types of activity
    Production volumes
    Balance sheet
    Profit and loss statement
    Cash flow statement
    21.2. «NIDAN-GROSS», LLC
    Reference information
    Types of activity
    Production volumes
    Balance sheet
    Profit and loss statement
    Cash flow statement
    Reference information
    Types of activity
    Production volumes
    Balance sheet
    Profit and loss statement
    Cash flow statement
    Reference information
    Types of activity
    Balance sheet
    Profit and loss statement
    Cash flow statement
    21.5. «PROGRESS», OJSC
    Reference information
    Types of activity
    Production volumes
    Balance sheet
    Profit and loss statement
    Cash flow statement
    22.1. Consumers’ preferences by juices brands
    22.2. Preferences by juices flavours
    22.3. Preferences by price categories of juice products
    22.4. Frequency of purchase of juices and nectars
    22.5. Criteria of juice choice
    22.6. Preferences by juices and nectars packs

  • Перечень приложений

    List of schedules:

    1. Population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012 , ths. people.
    2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three variants of forecast in 2011 – 2031, ths. people
    3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of population and its annual rate of growth in 2000- 2012, %
    4. Dynamics of dependency ratio in three variants of forecast in 2011 - 2031
    5. Dynamics of unemployment share in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006- 2012, %
    6. Dynamics of GDP in money terms of 2008 in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln. rubles
    7. Investments into the capital stock in RF in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln. rubles.
    8. Dynamics of surplus/ deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006- 2012, % to GDP
    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2009- 2013 (as for January, 1). mln. dollars
    10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year
    11. Dynamics of population of Russia and the world in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2100, mln. people
    12. Share of RF in world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %
    13. Dynamics of the market of juice products by countries worldwide in 2007 – 2011, bln. dollars
    14. Volumes of packed juices and nectars consumption by some countries in 2012, mln. l
    15. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of concentrated apple juice in EC countries in 2009 – 2011, ths. tons
    16. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars in 2009- 2012, mln. l
    17. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars, including baby juices in 2009- 2012, mln. l
    18. Consumption of juices and nectars in Russia per head of population in 2009-2012, l per capita.
    19. Dynamics of retail sales of soft drinks in Russia in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
    20. Dynamics of retail sales of soft drinks by quarters in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
    21. The largest regions of RF by volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in 2012, bln. rubles
    22. Dynamics of retail sales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in Russia in 2009 - 2012, mln. dkl
    23. Dynamics of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks by quarters in 2009 - 2012, mln. dkl
    24. Juices consumers’ preferences by points of purchase in Moscow in 2012, %
    25. Dynamics of gross yield of fruit and berry crops and grapes on the territory of RF in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
    26. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in physical terms in 2006 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    27. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices by months in 2009 – 2013, ths. nominal packs
    28. Dynamics of volume Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    29. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of fruit juices by months in 2009- Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    30. Dynamics of volume Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    31. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    32. Dynamics of volume Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    33. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes by months May 2009 - Feb. 2012, ths. nominal packs
    34. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of non-concentrated vegetable juice mixes in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    35. Dynamics of volume Russian production of non-concentrated vegetable juices by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, ths. nominal packs
    36. Dynamics of volume Russian production of apple juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    37.Dynamics of volume of Russian production of apple juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    38. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of apple juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    39. Dynamics of volume Russian production of tomato juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    40. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of tomato juice by months in 2010 – Jan. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    41. Dynamics of volume Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    42. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    43. Dynamics of volume Russian production of orange juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    Schedule 44. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of orange juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    45. Dynamics of volume Russian production of grapefruit juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    46. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of grapefruit juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    47. Dynamics of volume Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    48. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    49. Dynamics of volume Russian production of grape juice in physical terms in 2010 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    50. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of grape juice by months in 2010 - Feb. 2013, ths. nominal packs
    51. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in physical terms in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    52. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings by months in 2010-Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
    53. Dynamics of volume o Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    54. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks by months in 2009-Feb.2013, ths nominal packs
    55. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in physical terms in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
    56. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars by months in 2008-Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
    57. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of juices for babies in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, ths. nominal packs
    58. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of juices for babies by months in 2009-Feb 2013,ths nominal packs
    59. Dynamics of production volumes of fruit and vegetable juices on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, ths nominal packs
    60. Dynamics of fruit and vegetable juices import in physical and cost terms in 2007-2012
    61. Dynamics of Russian import of orange juice in 2007- 2012, tons
    62. Dynamics of Russian import of orange juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    63. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of orange juice by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
    64. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of orange juice by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
    65. Dynamics of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007 – 2012, tons
    Schedule 66. Dynamics of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    Schedule 67. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
    68. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars.
    69. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, tons
    70. Dynamics of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    71. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, tons
    72. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by months in 2009 – Jan 2013, ths dollars
    73. Dynamics of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    74. Dynamics of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    75. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
    76. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
    77. Dynamics of Russian import of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    78. Dynamics of Russian import of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    79. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
    80. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths dollars
    81. Dynamics of Russian import of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    82. Dynamics of Russian import of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    83. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, tons
    84. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009-Jan 2013, ths dollars
    85. Dynamics of Russian import of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, tons
    86. Dynamics of Russian import of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    87. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, tons
    88. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    89. Dynamics of Russian import of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, tons
    90. Dynamics of Russian import of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    91. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, tons
    92. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    93. Dynamics of export of fruit and vegetable juices (in total) in physical and cost terms in 2007-2012.
    94. Dynamics of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    95. Dynamics of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    96. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    97. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    98. Dynamics of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    99. Dynamics of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    100. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    101. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    102. Dynamics of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, tons
    103. Dynamics of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    104. Dynamics of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    105. Dynamics of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    106. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    107. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    108. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    109. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    110. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    111. Dynamics of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    112. Dynamics of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, tons
    113. Dynamics of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    114. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    115. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by months in 2009- Jan 2013, ths. dollars
    116. Dynamics of Russian export of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, tons
    117. Dynamics of Russian export of tomato juice in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    118. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, tons
    119. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tomato juice by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    120. Dynamics of Russian export of juices mixtures in 2007- 2012, tons
    121. Dynamics of Russian export of juices mixtures in 2007- 2011, ths. dollars
    122. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, tons
    123. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of juices mixtures by months in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    124. Dynamics of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in 2007- 2011, tons.
    125. Dynamics of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in 2007- 2011, ths dollars.
    126. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of other vegetables and fruit juices in 2007- 2011, tons
    127. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by months in 2007- 2011, ths dollars
    128. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF in 2010-2012, rub/ths. nominal packs
    129. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF by months in 2010- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
    130. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF in 2007-2012, rub/ths. nominal packs
    131. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF by months in 2007- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
    132. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF in 2007- 2012, rub/l
    133. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF by months in 2007 – Feb. 2013, rub/l
    134. Drinks consumed by Russia citizens during a day, %
    135. Juices consumers’ preferences by juices and nectars brands among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
    136. Juices consumers’ preferences by juices and nectars flavours among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
    137. Factors affecting juices choice in 2007 and 2011, %
    138. Criteria of juices and nectars choice among products consumers in Moscow in 2012, %
    139. Increase rates of volume of Russian market of juices and nectars in 2011- 2012 and forecast for 2013 -2016, %

    List of diagrams

    1. Structure of population of Russia to working age in 2011 - 2031, % (middle variant of forecast)
    2. Dynamics of employed and unemployed in Russia in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2013 - 2015, mln. people
    3. Change of structure of external debt of RF in 2009- 2013 (as of January, 1), %
    4. Consumers’ preferences by types of juices in EU countries in 2010, %
    5. Structure of concentrate apple juice by EU countries in 2011, %
    6. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of juices and nectars in physical terms in 2009-2012, %
    7. Structure of the market of fruit and vegetable juices by types of products in 2011 – 2012, %
    8. Structure of the market of juices by production type in 2010 – 2011,%
    9. Structure of the market of fruit and vegetable juices by price segments in 2011 – 2012, %
    10. Structure of soft drinks consumption in 2011, %
    11. Change of regional structure of retail sales of soft drinks in cost terms in RF in 2009 - 2012, %
    12. Structure of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in physical terms by federal districts of RF in 2011 - 2012, %
    13. Regional structure of wholesales of fruit and vegetables juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in physical terms in 2012, %
    14. Structure of the market of juices by the largest manufacturing companies in physical terms in 2010 – 2012,%
    15. Structure of the market of juices by the largest companies in physical terms in 2012 – 2012,%
    16. Structure of the market of juices and nectars by the largest brands in 2012, %
    17. Structure of sales of juice products by distribution channels in 2011 – 2012, %
    18. Dynamics of gross yield of vegetables grown on open ground and under glass on the territory of RF in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
    19. Structure of gross yield of vegetables by categories of farms in 2012*, %
    20. Structure of gross yield of vegetables by categories in 2012*, %
    21. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009-2012, %
    22. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    23. Change of regional structure of Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009-2012, %
    24. Structure of Russian production of fruit juices by types in 2012, %
    25. Change of structure of Russian production of fruit juices by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    26. Change of regional structure of Russian production of fruit juices in 2009-2012, %
    27. Change of structure of Russian production of non- concentrated fruit juice mixes by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    28. Change of regional structure of Russian production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in 2010-2012, %
    29. Change of structure of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    30. Change of regional structure of Russian production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in 2010-2012, %
    31. Change of structure of Russian production of non- concentrated vegetable juice mixes by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    32. Change of regional structure of Russian production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in 2009-2012, %
    33. Change of structure of Russian production of apple juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    34. Change of regional structure of Russian production of apple juice in 2010-2012, %
    35. Change of structure of Russian production of tomato juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    36. Change of regional structure of Russian production of tomato juice in 2010-2012, %
    37. Change of structure of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    38. Change of regional structure of Russian production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices in 2010-2012, %
    39. Change of structure of Russian production of orange juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    40. Change of regional structure of Russian production of orange juice in 2010-2012, %
    41. Change of structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    42. Change of regional structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice in 2010-2012, %
    43. Change of structure of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    44. Change of regional structure of Russian production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in 2010-2012, %
    45. Change of structure of Russian production of grape juice by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    46. Change of regional structure of Russian production of grapefruit juice in 2010-2012, %
    47. Change of structure of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings by federal districts in 2010-2012, %
    48. Change of regional structure of Russian production of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in 2010-2012, %
    49. Change of structure of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    50. Change of regional structure of Russian production of nectars and other fruit drinks in 2009-2012, %
    Diagram 51. Change of structure of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    52. Change of regional structure of Russian production of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in 2009-2012, %
    53. Change of structure of Russian production of juices for babies by federal districts in 2009-2012, %
    54. Change of regional structure of Russian production of juices for babies in 2009-2012, %
    55. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2009, %
    56. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of baby fruit juices in 2009, %
    57. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of concentrated fruit juices in 2009, %
    58. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of directly squeezed juices in 2009, %
    59. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of directly squeezed multifruit juices in 2009, %
    60. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of reconstituted monofruit juices in 2009, %
    61. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all- Russian production of vegetable juices in 2009, %
    62. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all- Russian production of vegetable nectars (drinks) in 2009, %
    63. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    64. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    65. Structure of Russian import of orange juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    66. Structure of Russian import of orange juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    67. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    68. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    69. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    70. Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    71. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    72. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    73. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    74. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    75. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    76. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    77. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    78. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    79. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    80. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    81. Structure of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    82. Structure of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    83. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    84. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    85. Structure of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %
    86. Structure of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %
    87. Change of structure of Russian import of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
    88. Change of structure of Russian import of tomato juice in cost terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
    89. Structure of Russian import of juices mixtures by types in physical terms in 2009 - 2012, %
    90. Change of structure of Russian import of juices mixtures in cost terms by countries of origin in 2009-2012, %
    91. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    92. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    93. Structure of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    94. Structure of Russian export of orange juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    95. Structure of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    96. Structure of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    97. Structure of Russian export of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    98. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    99. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    100. Structure of Russian export of pineapple juice in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    101. Structure of Russian export of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    102. Structure of Russian export of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    103. Structure of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    104. Structure of Russian export of grape juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    105. Structure of Russian export of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    106. Structure of Russian export of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    107. Structure of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    108. Structure of Russian export of apple juice ready for use in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %
    109. Change of structure of Russian export of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin (Kazakhstan excluded) in 2009-2012, %
    110. Change of structure of Russian export of tomato juice in physical terms by countries of origin (Kazakhstan excluded) in 2011-2012, %
    111. Structure of Russian export of juices mixtures in physical terms by countries of destination in 2012, %.
    112. Structure of Russian export of juices mixtures in cost terms by countries of destination in 2012, %.
    113. Structure of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in physical terms by countries of destination in 2011, %
    114. Structure of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices in cost terms by countries of destination in 2011, %
    115. Consumers’ preferences by price categories of juice in 2008 – 2011, %
    116. Frequency of juices purchases in Moscow among consumers (at least one purchase a month) in 2012, %
    117. Consumers’ preferences by juices (nectars) package, %
    List of tables
    1. Population of the largest cities of Russia according to Census of 2002 and 2010 as for January, 1, 2013, ths. people
    2. Volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in federal districts of RF in 2009 - 2012, bln. rubles
    3. Volumes of retail sales of soft drinks in regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, ths. rubles
    4. Volumes of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in 2011 - 2012, mln. dollars
    5. Volumes of wholesales of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and other soft drinks in regions of RF in 2011 - 2012, ths. dollars
    6. Gross yields of fruit and berry crops and grapes by types in 2006 – 2012, ths. centners
    7. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices in federal districts of RF in 2007-2012, ths nominal packs
    8. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices in regions of RF in 2007-2012, ths nominal packs
    9. Volumes of production of fruit juices by types in 2010 – 2012, ths nominal packs
    10. Volumes of production of fruit juices in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    11. Volumes of production of fruit juices in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    12. Volumes of production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    13. Volumes of production of non-concentrated fruit juice mixes in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    14. Volumes of production of concentrate fruit juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    15. Volumes of production of concentrated fruit juice mixes in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    16. Volumes of production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in regions of RF in 2009- Jan 2013, ths nominal packs
    17. Volumes of production of concentrated vegetable juice mixes in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    18. Volumes of production of non-concentrate vegetable juice mixes in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    19. Volumes of Russian production of concentrate apple juice by regions and federal districts in 2010-2012, ths. nominal packs
    20. Volumes of production of apple juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    21. Volumes of production of apple juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    22. Volumes of production of tomato juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    23. Volumes of production of tomato juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    24. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    25. Volumes of production of tropical and subtropical fruits juices in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    26. Volumes of production of orange juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    27. Volumes of production of orange juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    28. Volumes of production of grapefruit juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    29. Volumes of production of grapefruit juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    30. Volumes of production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    31. Volumes of production of cherry and sweet cherry juices in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    32. Volumes of production of grape juice in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    33. Volumes of production of grape juice in regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    34. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in federal districts of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    35. Production volumes of vegetable and fruit juices and their mixtures not included in other groupings in the regions of RF in 2010-2012, ths nominal packs
    36. Production volumes of nectars and other fruit drinks in federal districts of RF in 2009–2012, ths nominal packs
    37. Production volumes of nectars and other fruit drinks in regions of RF in 2009–2012, ths nominal packs
    38. Production volumes of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in federal districts of RF in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
    39. Production volumes of vegetable and vegetable and fruit nectars in regions of RF in 2007–2012, ths nominal packs
    40. Volumes of production of juices for babies in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    41. Volumes of production of juices for babies in regions of RF in 2009-2012, ths nominal packs
    42. Volumes of production of fruit and vegetable juices by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, ths nominal packs
    43. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit nectars in 2007-2011, ths rubles
    44. Volumes of production of fruit nectars by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    45. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit nectars in 2007-2011, ths rubles
    46. Volumes of production of baby fruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    47. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit baby juices in 2007-2011, ths rubles
    48. Volumes of production of concentrated fruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    49. Volumes of production of concentrated apple juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
    50. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of concentrated fruit juices in 2007-2011, ths rubles
    51. Volumes of production of directly squeezed juices from one type of fruit by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    52. Volumes of production of directly squeezed multifruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
    53. Volumes of production of reconstituted monofruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    54. Volumes of production of reconstituted multifruit juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs.
    55. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of reconstituted multifruit juices in 2009, %
    56. Volumes of production of vegetable juices by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    57. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of fruit and vegetable juices in 2006-2011, ths rubles.
    58. Volumes of production of vegetable nectars (drinks) by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, ths nominal packs
    59. Proceeds of the largest enterprises by production of vegetable nectars (drinks) in 2006-2011, ths rubles
    60. Production volumes of tomato juices and proceeds by the largest Russian producers
    61. Rating of enterprises with the main type of activity by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities “Production of fruit and vegetable juices” by proceeds rate
    62. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices by types in physical terms in 2007-2012, tons.
    63. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices by types in cost terms in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    64. Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    65.Structure of Russian import of orange juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    66. Volumes of Russian import of orange juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
    67. Volumes of Russian import of orange juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    68. Structure of Russian import of grapefuit juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    69.Structure of Russian import of grapefruit juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    70. Volumes of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
    71. Volumes of Russian import of grapefruit juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
    72. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, tons
    73. Structure of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (except for oranges and grapefruits) by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    74. Volumes of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by supplying countries in 2007 - 2012, tons
    75. Volumes of Russian import of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by supplying countries in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    76. Structure of Russian import of pineapple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    77.Structure of Russian import of pineapple t juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    78. Volumes of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
    79. Volumes of Russian import of pineapple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
    80. Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    81.Structure of Russian import of grape juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    82. Volumes of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
    83. Volumes of Russian import of grape juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
    84. Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in physical terms in 2007 - 2012, %
    85.Structure of Russian import of apple juice by types in cost terms in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    86. Volumes of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, tons
    87. Volumes of Russian import of apple juice ready for use by supplying countries in 2007-2012, ths dollars
    88. Volumes of Russian import of tomato juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
    89. Volumes of Russian import of tomato juice by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    90. Volumes of Russian import of juices mixtures by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons
    91. Volumes of Russian import of juices mixtures by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    92. Volumes of Russian import of fruit and vegetable juices ready for use in physical terms by types in 2007-2012, tons
    93. Volumes of Russian export of fruit and vegetable juices ready for use in cost terms by types in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    94. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
    95. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
    96. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
    97. Volumes of Russian export of orange juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    98. Volumes of Russian export of grapefruit juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
    99. Volumes of Russian export of graprfruit juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    100. Volumes of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of destination in 2007 - 2012, tons
    101. Volumes of Russian export of juices from other citrus fruits (with the exception for oranges and grapefruits) ready for use by countries of destination in 2007 - 2012, ths dollars
    102. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
    103. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
    104. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
    105. Volumes of Russian export of pineapple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    106. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
    107. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
    108. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
    109. Volumes of Russian export of grape juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    110. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, %
    111. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice in physical terms by types in 2007 - 2012, ths. dollars
    112. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons
    113. Volumes of Russian export of apple juice ready for use by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths. dollars
    114. Volumes of Russian export of tomato juice by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, tons
    115. Volumes of Russian export of tomato juice by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    116. Volumes of Russian export of juices mixtures by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, tons
    117. Volumes of Russian export of juices mixtures by countries of destination in 2007- 2012, ths. dollars
    118. Volumes of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by countries of destination in 2007- 2011, tons
    119. Volumes of Russian export of other vegetables and fruits juices by countries of destination in 2007- 2011, ths dollars
    120. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for juices for babies in RF by months in 2010- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
    121. Dynamics of average producers’ prices for fruit and vegetable juices in RF by months in 2007- Jan 2013, rub/ths. nominal packs
    122. Dynamics of average retail prices for fruit juices in RF by months in 2007 – Feb. 2013, rub/l
    123. Number of employees of «WBD Drinks», OJSC, people
    124. Subsidiaries of “WBD Drinks", OJSC
    125. Shareholders of “WBD DRINKS”, OJSC
    126. Production volumes of «WBD Drinks», OJSC
    127. Balance sheet of “WBD Drinks", OJSC, ths. rubles
    128. Profit and loss statement of “WBD Drinks”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    129. Cash-flow statement of “WBD Drinks", OJSC, ths. rubles
    130. Financials of “WBD Drinks”, OJSC
    131. Number of employees of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, people
    132. Subsidiaries of “Nidan-Gross”, LLC
    133. Shareholders of “Nidan-Gross”, LLC
    134. Production volumes of «Nidan-Gross», LLC
    135. Balance sheet of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
    136. Profit and loss statement of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
    137. Cash-flow statement of «Nidan-Gross» LLC, ths. rubles
    138. Financials of «Nidan-Gross», LLC
    139. Number of employees of «Lebedyansky» OJSC, people
    140. Subsidiaries of “Lebedyansky", OJSC
    141. Shareholders/founders of “Lebedyansky", OJSC
    142. Production volumes of «Lebedyansky», OJSC
    143. Balance sheet of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC, ths rubles
    144. Profit and loss statement of “Lebedyansky” OJSC, ths. rubles
    145. Cash-flow statement of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    146. Financials of “Lebedyansky”, OJSC
    147. Subsidiaries of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC
    148. Shareholders of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC
    149. Balance sheet of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC, ths. rubles
    150. Profit and loss statement of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    151. Cash-flow statement of “Sady Pridonia”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    152. Financials of “Sady Pridonia", OJSC
    153. Subsidiaries of “Progress", OJSC
    154. Shareholders/ founders of “Progress", OJSC
    155. Production volumes of «Progress», OJSC
    156. Balance sheet of “Progress”, OJSC, ths rubles
    157. Profit and loss statement of “Progress”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    158. Cash-flow statement of “Progress”, OJSC, ths. rubles
    159. Financials of “Progress”, OJSC

    List of figures:
    1.Allocation of juices and nectars by the main brands of the largest players

    List of schemes:
    1. Classification of juices by method of production and fruit and vegetables proceeded

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  • Исследование рынка плодоовощной продукции Самарской области
    1. Общие сведения по рынку плодоовощной продукции Самарской области:
    • Текущее состояние и тенденции развития рынка;
    • Факторы, влияющие на рынок;
    • Динамика объемов потребления плодоовощной продукции;
    • Основные каналы реализации плодоовощной продукции. 2. Анализ конкурентной среды:
    2.1. Производители продукции в исследуемом сегменте на территории Самарской области
    2.2. Оптовые продавцы продукции
    В ходе работ над разделом будет составлена база данных основных потенциальных конкурентов, включающие в себя следующую информацию:
    • Наименование компании;
    • Контактная информация;
    • Ассортиментный ряд предлагаемой продукции.
    Источниками информации для данного раздела будут являться как открытые информационные ресурсы (справочники, отраслевые порталы, региональные СМИ), так и закрытые базы данных (база данных предприятий).

    3. Анализ импорта продукции на территорию Самарской области:
    В ходе работ над данным разделом будет проведен анализ импортных отгрузок продукции в исследуемом сегменте в адрес получателей, зарегистрированных на территории Самарской области.
    Источник информации для раздела – база данных таможенной статистики.
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